Wednesday 3 December 2014

Time to say goodbye

On the 24th of September I walked into room 12 in St.Bridgets expecting a load of the little girls to be scared and not talk to me. Over the last 10 weeks I did art, filing, pinning things to walls, cleaning, help teaching and so much more. I enjoyed it 10 times more then I thought I ever would. Along with all the things I did now that I look back I realise I unintentionally got to know 24 amazing little girls. I had a fabulous experience with everyone in the room, not once did they fail to put a smile on my face. I enjoyed every second  in room 12 and there was never a dull moment. It took less than one day for them to get used to me helping around the room. Once they knew why I was there all the other days were a heck load of fun. Words really cant describe how amazing my experience was. I could name off every girl in the class because they all talked to me a few times telling me the stories upon stories. Even the shy girls who did talk from day one soon got used to me and by week 10 they were screaming thanks and goodbye as they walked out the room. Over the last 10 weeks I have been taking photos of some (not all) of the art work I helped them do.

These two photos are of the Halloween bags we made the week before midterm! (I wrote a blog post on how we made them but couldn't find the photos I took at the time read it here)

This is Elmer! I spent about 2 hours drawing and painting this picture. Elmer is stuck up on the wall with loads of normal grey elephants because the week I painting and pinned him to the wall was the week the girls were reading the story of how Elmer was accepted because he was different but at the end all the elephants accepted him.
This piece of art I think was one of the hardest to do with the kids! Four and five year olds cant blow into a straw for any more the 2minutes so myself and Mrs.Brady had to go around to every girl and blow the paint around the page. Even though the majority of the girls didn't do much I think they came out really well.

This is art but at the same time they learnt while doing it. they had to say what the pattern was that they were doing with the cookie cutters and had to tell me the shapes and colours they were using.
This isn't he finished piece of art because I forgot to take a photo of it when it was finished because the girls finished it the next day when the paint was dry. Its an angel without the halo. Doing this was messy because I had to make sure they put their hands straight into the basin of water before they touched anything but as soon as somebody was done there was another girl waiting for me to paint their hands for them to do the art. It turned out a lot better than what me and Mrs.Brady thought it would!

Myself and Aimee sat for a half an hour cutting out small squares of hessian and then we gave them to the girls. They pulled the strings out of the material and then glued them to the stomach of the owl

To end my 10 weeks of work experience I did my favourite thing with the girls, I PAINTED!!!! I don't think I can describe how much fun I had as I poured the paint onto the plate or the page depending on what the art was but I gives me great pleasure to say thanks to weeks of painting all the girls can now hold a paint brush and they all know you have to hold it at the bottom so you have control of where the paint goes. I sellotaped the two black pages together and handed them out to the girls and then myself and the put white paint all spread out on the page and with spoons the spread the paint around to make Santa's beard look curly. the excitement on their faces when they found out we were doing Christmas art again was something that cant be put into words.

The last 10 Wednesdays helping out in room 12 were truly the most perfect way for me spend my day. As others sat in offices and shops doing things they didn't really enjoyed ,I had the privilege of making friends with loads of little girls who I wont forget. Even sitting filing their worksheets into folders was fun because I could hear them singing songs and saying off the alphabet over and over until they got it right. Im going to miss everything especially listening to the "days of the week" song every morning at half 9 after the role is called.

To say thanks to the class I wrote a card to Mrs.brady and bought her chocolates but I couldn't leave the kids unnoticed. They really made the whole thing worth while so I gave the teacher a of jelly's and they all got a few before they went home. I expected nothing more than a thank you but I too was given chocolates and a card. Yes im so thankful for this but what made it amazing was it was signed by all 24 girls and after they sang a song that they told me they had been learning for a week to surprise me. It really was an amazing experience and I never thought I would of enjoyed it quite as much.

On the 24th of September I walked into room 12 empty handed and scared to find out what would happen but on the 3rd of December I walked out of room 12 for the last time with a card and chocolates in my hand, a smile on my face and a tone of memories in my head. It was only ten weeks but it feels like a life time.

Im just a teenage girl who hates the thought of growing up but im doing it with a smile on my face and a positive attitude. I hoped you liked looking at the art I did with the girls and enjoyed reading about what I thought of work experience in the primary school. - Miss.Galligan x

Monday 1 December 2014

Fashion Show!

On Tuesday the 25th and Wednesday the 26th the school had organised a fashion show down at Celbridge manor. There were 100 models, 40 were juniors and 60 were seniors. Everyone who wished to be a model put their names forward and a raffle was done. Once we knew who the models we got into groups of four or six and got a shop assigned to us. The shop I modeled was United colours of Benetton. We found out shop on Monday the 17th and on Tuesday the 18th we went to liffey valley shopping. (read more about that week here

Some of the TY Models
Night one - I arrived at the hotel at about 6 and set up the display for mini company because we were selling our product both nights. Once the table was set up I sat around talking and waiting to be called  to get changed. Finally it came to the time for me to model. i went back stage and attempted to get changed in such a small space within seconds because i had to help look for somebody who was modeling in my group but it turned out she was already behind stage. Right before I went on I was told I was walking the ramp with McMahon child. Before I knew it I was off the ramp and changing from heels to uggs and from the dress to my leggings and top. The first night was scary and to be honest i really didn't want to because i was scared i would fall or something but surprisingly i didn't. 

Night two - on the second night i arrived at the hotel at about half 6 because we realized we had too much spare time because we set up quicker then expected. Once the table was set up i helped Jane curl here hair and then talked to her while she did her makeup. The second night was much calmer behind stage because there wasn't loads of people and we were given enough time to get ready. I wasn't as sacred as the first night but I was a bit but I preferred the second night because I knew what I was doing

Overall I really enjoyed doing the fashion show and I was very pleased with the sales we made with our mini company.
Mini-Company Stand
I'm just a teenage girl who hates the thought of growing but im doing it with a smile on my face and a positive attitude. Hope you liked reading about the fashion show. - Miss.Galligan x

Monday 24 November 2014

Busy Week!

Im not going to lie I really loved how much class I missed last week.
Monday  17th - I had most classes but I missed double IT at the end of the day.(explains my late blog) I didn’t just decide not to go to class, myself and aisling went around to each class room and took the numbers off the projectors and then I typed them all up for Mrs. Ward. We got really confused at one point at what number we had to take down but got them all in the end.
Tuesday 18th -  I had double science in the morning and we started making soap but then ran out of time so after break myself and three other girls missed half the day to go to liffey valley with Mrs. Leonard to get clothes for the fashion show that’s is on the 25th and 26th . I say in total we spent about a half an hour in the shop and then we had 40 minutes to walk around the shops while Mrs. Leonard went to get other things for the show. When we got back to the school we had 10 minutes of Irish. (Longest 10 minutes of the day) Don’t get me wrong I loved missing class to go shopping but the best part of the day was after lunch when the whole year had the pleasure to go to carton house to see the vanishing art expedition. Well to be honest most of the year weren’t interested in the art after we heard that the Irish rugby team were in the grounds. That’s when the art went out the window and almost everyone started looking for them. Seeing them in the gym was pretty good but the best part of the day was when out of 86 girls in ty 9 of us meet Johnny sexton! Loads of the other girls got pictures with Tommy Bowe but that was after we got a photo with Johnny sexton and we were gone to do the work we were set when he was there.

Wednesday 19th – as every Wednesday is I went off to work experience and had such a fun day like always. I never would have thought I’d like doing work experience in the primary as much as I do. The book fare was there for the week so after I did some cutting I went down and re-read the same frozen book allowed. (I think I can say it off at this point) surprisingly they didn’t get distracted like I thought (Well hoped) they all listened to the end. After that I had to draw and paint a picture of an elephant to stick up with their pictures but the one I painted was called Elmer and was all different colours because the story they were reading was about an elephant being left out because he was different but at the end he was accepted. I did so much other stuff but painting and going to the book fare were both by far the best things to do!
Thursday 20th – I had most my classes on Thursday but I missed the last three because we had a road safety talk.  I learnt that Last year saw the first year-on-year increase in the number of road deaths in Ireland for the first time since 2005 when 190 people lost their lives compared to 162 in 2012. Do you wear are seatbelt? Well in 2008 it was recorded that 89% of adults in a car wear seatbelts and that sounds like a lot but that 11% is a lot of people and are more likely to be killed on the road. 12% of all car drivers killed in 2007 were not wearing seatbelts. The talk was three classes long but not once did the speaker lose my attention!
Friday 21st – we had another talk but this time it was about the millennium goals. Our school is thinking about writing a book about raising awareness about achieving goal 6. After the talk we had a class to work on our mini-company products so we would be ready to sell at the fashion show.

Im just a teenage girl who hates the thought of growing up but im doing it with a smile on my face and a positive attitude. Hope you liked reading about what I did last week and I apologize that this blog is late. - Miss.Galligan x

Sunday 2 November 2014

Work Experience

5 days in school and only 2 days off each week isn’t enough and I think we can all agree with that.  No matter how much free time I had in the past week I couldn’t bring myself to sit on the laptop and write a blog post. The first thing I did on Saturday morning after I got up was sit down with a blank white screen in front in me and hoped it would take like 10minutes to type a full post. I failed miserably .My phone kept buzzing from across the room and all I wanted to do was start texting my friends and go out so I did that. But so I wouldn’t forget everything I did I typed out the dates and a few bullet points and today Monday the 3rd of November im going to attempt once again to write a blog post including what I  did. Bear in mind when you read this that I did all these things almost 2 weeks ago and I have a terrible memory, if I have to be completely honest. (I’ve a memory like a gold fish as they say)

On Friday the 24th of October at 3.20 every single girl and teacher in the school ran out the door to get home for a week off. This isn’t going to be short blog post on what everyone dressed up as on Friday but I want to give credit to everyone who did because everyone look amazing and to the people who didn’t WHERE IS YOUR SPIRIT? I really can’t say much I think this was the first year I put in any effort! But I did and that is all that really matters!

Now it’s time for you to hear about the best part of the week. Work experience on Wednesday the 22nd.Last Wednesday the 29th since we were on midterm we did’t have to go into work experience (well I couldn't because the school was closed anyway!) Since the kids won’t be in school the week of Halloween I helped with Halloween art on Wednesday the 22nd. I helped make trick or treat bags. Well that’s what we told the kids they could be but of course you know how five year olds are we had a child disagree and she said it would rip so we can’t use it but thank god one of them said that they can use it as a Halloween handbag for dress but and obviously the teacher and I took what the girl said and told them to do that if they already have a trick or treat bag or if they think it will rip.

It was harder then it sounded to make the bags. Each bag had a ghost, witch, pumpkin, start and a moon on it .Once again I had paint on me at the end of the day. But this week surprisingly I only had a small bit of paint on my hands and on my jumper. Instead of going home and putting everything in the wash I went home to wash my hair because I was cover in glitter for a change.
Life lesson number 1 – Don’t use glitter with kids, they get it EVERYWHERE!!!!

Source                                    Soucre

Throughout the day I brought two girls down to the back to the things that would be stuck onto the bag. If I knew how messy the glitter would have been I would have left it until the end but I didn’t and I did it first. To make sure the glitter would stick with the print stick I got to do a star and since they were both on the same page I did a moon after. (I always test that the art will work and honestly I love it because I feel like a six year old again and its ok if I do it wrong im not being graded on it)  Each girl came down and I put glue onto the star and moon and then they sprinkled gold glitter onto the star, sliver glitter on the moon and both glitters on the floor, table, themselves and me. Once that was done I attempted to clean the table off and left the floor until later. Im not over reacting when I say it got everywhere, it really did!
So the girls knew not to just paint the whole pumpkin with their figure I filled the pumpkin with dots of paint (once again i felt six and loved it) and then I showed it to them so they knew what to do. In the end some of the pumpkins where just covered in orange paint but sure what can you do?

There weren’t enough ghosts for me to one but I got over it. I spent at least 10 minutes cutting out ghost and putting the girls names on the back and the handing them out. While I did that the teacher handed out cotton wool and told ever one of the not to touch it and continue colouring until we were ready. Once every girl had a ghost and cotton wool the teacher and I went around and made sure they all spread it out and pressed it to the picture. They didn’t even use glue and most of them had cotton wool stuck to their hands.

Life lesson number 2 – don’t use glue sticks to stick down cotton wool because it doesn’t work very well.
On Tuesday they all coloured in a picture of a witch so I got them from their folders and I handed them out. On the top of all the girls tables there was a bag and all there art from the day and once they went home the teacher and I had great fun jumping from chair to chair making the biggest mess ever trying to cut everything out and stick them on the bag. The glue we used really failed to keep the glitter and the cotton wool on. Every time I picked up the star and moon to cut the out half the glitter feels off the page. Originally only the back of the room had glitter everywhere but by the tie we finished the room was cover in glitter and every desk had paper all over it. The teacher picked up all the paper and put it in the bin, while I cleaned the glitter off the tables, well as much as I could anyway. The day was almost over but the last 10 minutes consisted of both of us sweeping the floors and I say we only got rid of have the glitter.
I did have a picture of a bag and a picture of all the things individually that were put onto the bag but I lost them(oooppps) well there's the disadvantage of wanting to enjoy your midterm and not doing a blog post when you really should.
Im just a teenage girl who hates the thought of growing up but im doing it with a smile on my face and a positive attitude. Hope you liked reading about how I tried and most likely failed to portray how fun it is at work experience ever week! there might be a new problem every minute but I don't care I think it is amazing. - Miss.Galligan x

Friday 10 October 2014

A simple Red button

Friday the 10th of October 2014 was known to the world as mental health day. €2 may seem like nothing but when the majority of a school brings it in it all adds up. As a school we donated to those who suffer day to day because they mentally can’t deal with things. The organisation we donated to was “walk in my shoes." We wore our own clothes in and also to show our support we wore different shoes in that we wouldn't wear to school on a day to day basis e.g. Wellies, slippers, heels etc. The different shoes showed that we all walk different paths (well I think that’s why we wore them)

“A staggering 1 in 4 people are experiencing mental health difficulties. Younger people seem particularly vulnerable to the stresses, the pressures to succeed and the struggle to find their own place in the world.” Can you believe that maybe one of your family members could be suffering on the inside and you don’t know? It’s hard to believe but it could be true and this organisation offers as much support that they could possibly ask for.Mental health problems can cause long life disabilities and long term suffering and it can also have a big impact on a persons personal development and that's why as a school we felt its important not to give to those who are recognised like usual but to try give the confidence to those who suffer to speak up and then with the money we donated they can be helped.

Mental health day isn't a new thing added to my calendar. I, along with many other people in the world watch YouTube on a day to day basis. I watch this girl called Zoe Sugg also known as “zoella.” Zoe tells people in her videos that nobody is ever truly alone. I have been watching Zoe's videos for a good while now and im amazed at how much a 10 to 15 minuet clip on YouTube can tell you so much about something so important. She speaks freely on how she deals with her anxiety and gives tips on how others can overcome the fear of feeling alone.To help prove that nobody is alone, this year she got involved to help raise awareness for people who suffer with a mental health illness. She became the digital ambassador with the organisation called “mind” and launched the #DontPanicButton campaign. The #DontPanicButton campaign is basically surrounded by the idea of panicking at the sight of a red button. But when taking part in this campaign you simply wear a red button somewhere. Doing this you show that you are either suffering with a mental illness or that you are there to help anybody who needs help. It can help those who suffer immensely because if you see it on somebody you can then realise you are not as alone as you think you are and even if you don’t suffer from anything you can very easily change somebodies day by smiling at them and that can reinsure them that the world isn't full of bad and its ok to be upset at times because others are there to help you. 

Thanks to Zoe over the past while i have learnt more and more things about mental illness and i was very happy when i found out she was on board with an organisation to promote it and i was also very excited when i heard my school would be taking part in raising money for those who need it as well. 
"Just say yes" - Zoe Sugg 

Im just a teenage girl who hates the thought of growing up but im doing it with a smile on my face and a positive attitude. Hope you liked reading about my thoughts on my schools way to earn money for a good cause and my thoughts on the #DontPanicButton campaign. - Miss.Galligan x

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Digital Dossier

I set up this blog a few weeks ago in I.T when the teachers asked us to so we could record all the things we do in TY. In order for us to know how much we need to post and what about we are giving challenges each month. One of the challenges this month is to watch This Video on YouTube to find out what a digital dossier is and then we have to write a post about our digital dossier.
When I read that I had to do a post on this I had no idea what it meant but now I know It is basically your digital tracks. It is there for your whole life and even after you die. It all started when I wasn’t even born. 5 months before I was born my mam got a scan done and the picture is emailed to friends, family and kept in a file in the hospital. When I was born pictures and/or text messages got sent out to my family, friends and kept in a file in the hospital. My digital dossier has been growing and growing day by day as I use social media constantly.  Even from the age of four and five my digital dossier was active. It got bigger when I created accounts online to play games when I was younger and today when I create accounts on social media to communicate with my friends it grows and until I die it things will keep getting added even after I did my work on the internet and on my phone will stay there forever.
I'm just a teenage girl who hates the thought of growing up but I'm doing it with a smile on my face and a positive attitude. Hope you learnt something when reading about my digital dossier ! - Miss.Galligan x

Monday 29 September 2014

A Wednesday full of Work

By the end of the day I had paint all over me and I was singing nursery rhythms. Is that what happens each day when you’re a teacher? For my first term of work experience I went to Scoile Naomh BrĂ­d in Celbridge and was helping my third class teacher with her junior infant class. I can’t remember much of being in junior infants but I thought in junior infants everyone was all quiet and cried at the start of the day because they didnt want to leave their parents but it looks like I was wrong! None of the girls cried when they came in and from the minute the class door opened and they came in until the minute they all left the class room always had a least one kid talking. It was like reliving my childhood if I have to be honest. The worst part of the day was by far the tiny chair that I had to sit on for the day.

Once the class came in I was introduced to the class and the teacher told the girls that I was going to be helping them with their art and work for the day. All of them were so fascinated and interested to see me sitting on the tiny chair at the back of the room in their "art corner" as they called it. Once the class was settled I was given A3 pages, the role, paint brushes,l tissues and the basic colours of paint. I wrote each girls name on the top right hand corner and then poured the paint into the pots and put a paint brush in each pot. Once the table was set up and ready for the girls to paint I looked at the list of where each girl sat and got them to come down two by two to paint a picture of themselves. I made them trace what they would draw with their finger so I knew they would fill the page. Watching them paint and helping them hold the paint brush was surprisingly fun. It wasn’t all fun and games though with the painting. Some of them didn’t want to stop painting because they liked it so much so to make sure they didn’t have too much paint on the page and you could see their paintings I had to take the paint brush off them. As mean as I felt telling them “all gone” when they asked for more paint I had to or else there would really be no paint left. I had the pleasure of cleaning some them because you can’t expect a five year old to paint without getting it on their uniforms, hands and even their faces. God knows how they got it on their faces but one minute they were clean and next they had orange paint straight down their jumpers. Painting was fun but I must say being a teacher would be hard because as they painted I had to get them to try say the colours they wanted not just point at them because they wouldn't learn anything if they just pointed at a pot full of paint. I had lunch and then continued painting with them after.

Once everyone did a painting I cleaned up all the paint and wiped down the table. I then helped them with the cutting and then got all the worksheets they had done in the past while and put them into their folders. While I did this I got to listen to them singing and a story being told.Then I had another lunch and then when back to the class and did that again until they went home. When they went home I put the chairs on the desks, made sure they had one of every colour crayon in their crayon bowls and then out the colouring books onto the desks for the morning.

I’m just a teenage girl who hates the thought of growing up but I’m doing it with a smile on my face and a positive attitude. Hope you liked reading about my first day of work experience  – Miss.Galligan x

Saturday 27 September 2014

Two Days of Team Building

At 7am on Monday the 15th of September everyone who was going to Carlingford for two days and one night met at Esso petrol station to get on the bus for a long bus ride to the centre. We arrived at around nine and then sorted out who was in what room as soon as that was all figured out we all ran to the rooms to claim our bed for the night, even though we all knew with 12 teenage girls in one room we would get hardly any sleep.

Day 1 –After we all knew where our rooms where we got put into two groups and everyone walked down to the beach for our first active of many. To wake us all up we went into the ice cold Irish Sea. We put on out swimming togs, wetsuits, helmets and life jackets and then group B (the group I was in)  got into kayaks to do kayaking. There was me and two of my friends in one kayak and I must say it was a team building activity because if one person stopped rowing we ending up going in circles. After a few minutes of hard work and non-stop rowing the kayak finally made it to a little beach across from where we started. On the beach we played games, and then headed back to have showers and have lunch. After lunch group B met in the laser lane to go to the forest to do laser tag. This was by far the best thing we did. The instructors didn’t lie when they said it wasn’t that long a walk but it was mostly uphill so wouldn’t be easy to walk. It was well worth the horrible walk though, it was so much fun and I think everybody enjoyed it. We played a few games of it and it was team blue verses team red. I was Team Red and we got an inspirational quote before each game to help us win and they will forever be in my head. 'You miss 100% of the shots you don't take’, ‘Aim for the moon because even if you miss you'll land among the stars' and ' it’s not what can the red team can do for you it’s what can you do for the red team'. When all the games were finished we hiked back down to the centre for dinner, which we all were in need of after all the walking and running around. When it was dark we went back up to the mountain again for nightline to the same place but an easier way but it felt like a much longer walk. In the place where we did laser tag there was a rope tied to the trees and with blindfolds on we held the rope and the person in front. It may not sound scary but walking around a very uneven area with a blindfold on, only depending on the person in front of you and the instructors saying stuff in your ears unexpectedly was very scary. Once we reached to start again we took off our blindfolds and all became very great full of our sight and then walked back to the centre for the rest of the night.

Day2 – To make the most of our last day we dragged ourselves out of bed and went to breakfast running on very little sleep. Even though the day before had been full of actives and we were all so tired we still managed to fill ourselves with so much sugar that we could stay awake for most of the night. After breakfast it was back down to the beach and team B did canoeing. This was most defiantly a team building exercise. There were three boats tied together and 10 people and an instructor trying to make our way to a different beach then the day before so we could go to the fountain of youth. Once we reached the beach we went into the cave to put our heads under the water fall to supposedly gain an extra day to our lives. I didn’t put my head under but the splashes that came of it that hit me told me the water wasn’t like the water in a kettle after it has been boiled, it was ice cold and I don’t think anybody really enjoyed it. After that we went back for lunch then we went for another walk that was at least five times longer to the challenge course. I say if we weren’t all so tired we might have enjoyed this lot more. It was fun and was really funny attempting to figure out how to do the thing when we were all half asleep. After the challenge course we went back to the centre and packed up the bus and then we all went home.
I’m just a teenage girl who hates the thought of growing up but I’m doing it with a smile on my face and a positive attitude. Hope you liked reading about my two days in Carlingford adventure centre in Co. Louth – Miss.Galligan x

Monday 8 September 2014

The First of many Wednesday

Every Wednesday we have work experience but our first term of work experience won’t start for a few weeks. Wednesday the 3rd of September was our first day of workshops because we have no classes scheduled so the school arranged a day for us were we could learn how to act in an accident, become better young ladies and have fun and laughing with our new class. For the day to be fun and also a way to prepare us for life after school we had a first aid workshop, etiquette workshop and a positive party.

To my surprise the first aid wasn't boring as I expected. Many laughs were shared once we became comfortable and weren’t afraid to talk. Along with laughing and having fun we learnt things some of us didn’t know before the day. We were told when an accident occurs you stay calm and we learnt what to do in some situations. I learnt how to do a sling and that you put your head forward when you have a nose bleed not back.

After the first aid workshop we changed room and went to the etiquette workshop to become the young ladies we already are. To start the workshop we tried to find out things that we didn’t know about the people in the class. Then we walked a red carpet. Yes you read that right! We learnt how to stand up straight and walk in our heels. For the “lesson” to be more fun we did it on a red carpet. I say it was funny for the teachers to see us stumbling in our heels as they walked by to get to their classes. After we removed our heels and complained for a few minutes about our feet hurting, we exfoliated our hands and they smelt and felt amazing for the rest of the day.

In my opinion the best party of the day was the positive party. If I’m 100 per cent honest it was a very weird but an extremely fun way to end the day. We did laughing yoga which was to make us turn a fake laugh to a real laugh and it oddly enough it worked. It was all very out of our comfort zones and nobody really wanted to do it at first but when we did, we were all surprised that we were almost in tears from the laughter!I can’t wait for work experience but I don’t want to start at the same time. I’d rather do workshops every Wednesday because it was so fun and everybody got to talk to one another. After the day I feel like our class has become closer together. But on the 24th of September I will be able to wake up happy knowing I don’t have to go to school but at the same time nervous as I walk out into the work world for my first day of work experience.

I’m just a teenage girl who hates the thought of growing up but I’m doing it with a smile on my face and a positive attitude. Hope you liked reading about my thoughts on my first Wednesday of workshops – Miss.Galligan x

Monday 1 September 2014

It all began on the 28th August 2014

I’m happy to say that I survived my first day of transition year. On Thursday 28th of August 2014 almost 90 excited, nervous and overly tired teenage girls walked into St.Wolstans Community School. I think it’s safe to say after a well-deserved summer after we all stressed out and studied hard in third year for our junior cert we are looking for a year full of enjoyment and a break from study.

I would be lying if I said I was excited to see who was in my class. When I walked into the hall all I could think was “what if none of my friends are in my class”, “what if nobody talks to me" and many other negative thoughts. With my eyes half open I sat patiently waiting for our year head to read aloud all the classes. First Ariel was called out, then Bell and then I looked around the hall to see the row I was sitting in was mostly full and most of my friends would be in class Aurora with me. Not loving the name I went to tutor class and laughed as our tutor told us reasons why we should like the name and be glad not to be called the other ones. Then the bell rang and it was lunch and next thing I knew I was at home again telling my parents what I thought of my first day and then that night I went to bed not wanting to go asleep and having to get up early again but at the same time I was looking forward to the next day with my new class.

The worst part about the day was waking up early and dragging myself out of bed but I’m sure in a few weeks I’ll be able to do that in a few minutes because there is so much things I’m looking forward to do this year and I can’t wait to do everything!

I’m just a teenage girl who hates the thought of growing up but im doing it with a smile on my face and a positive attitude. Hope you liked reading about my thoughts on my first day in TY – Miss.Galligan x