Wednesday 3 December 2014

Time to say goodbye

On the 24th of September I walked into room 12 in St.Bridgets expecting a load of the little girls to be scared and not talk to me. Over the last 10 weeks I did art, filing, pinning things to walls, cleaning, help teaching and so much more. I enjoyed it 10 times more then I thought I ever would. Along with all the things I did now that I look back I realise I unintentionally got to know 24 amazing little girls. I had a fabulous experience with everyone in the room, not once did they fail to put a smile on my face. I enjoyed every second  in room 12 and there was never a dull moment. It took less than one day for them to get used to me helping around the room. Once they knew why I was there all the other days were a heck load of fun. Words really cant describe how amazing my experience was. I could name off every girl in the class because they all talked to me a few times telling me the stories upon stories. Even the shy girls who did talk from day one soon got used to me and by week 10 they were screaming thanks and goodbye as they walked out the room. Over the last 10 weeks I have been taking photos of some (not all) of the art work I helped them do.

These two photos are of the Halloween bags we made the week before midterm! (I wrote a blog post on how we made them but couldn't find the photos I took at the time read it here)

This is Elmer! I spent about 2 hours drawing and painting this picture. Elmer is stuck up on the wall with loads of normal grey elephants because the week I painting and pinned him to the wall was the week the girls were reading the story of how Elmer was accepted because he was different but at the end all the elephants accepted him.
This piece of art I think was one of the hardest to do with the kids! Four and five year olds cant blow into a straw for any more the 2minutes so myself and Mrs.Brady had to go around to every girl and blow the paint around the page. Even though the majority of the girls didn't do much I think they came out really well.

This is art but at the same time they learnt while doing it. they had to say what the pattern was that they were doing with the cookie cutters and had to tell me the shapes and colours they were using.
This isn't he finished piece of art because I forgot to take a photo of it when it was finished because the girls finished it the next day when the paint was dry. Its an angel without the halo. Doing this was messy because I had to make sure they put their hands straight into the basin of water before they touched anything but as soon as somebody was done there was another girl waiting for me to paint their hands for them to do the art. It turned out a lot better than what me and Mrs.Brady thought it would!

Myself and Aimee sat for a half an hour cutting out small squares of hessian and then we gave them to the girls. They pulled the strings out of the material and then glued them to the stomach of the owl

To end my 10 weeks of work experience I did my favourite thing with the girls, I PAINTED!!!! I don't think I can describe how much fun I had as I poured the paint onto the plate or the page depending on what the art was but I gives me great pleasure to say thanks to weeks of painting all the girls can now hold a paint brush and they all know you have to hold it at the bottom so you have control of where the paint goes. I sellotaped the two black pages together and handed them out to the girls and then myself and the put white paint all spread out on the page and with spoons the spread the paint around to make Santa's beard look curly. the excitement on their faces when they found out we were doing Christmas art again was something that cant be put into words.

The last 10 Wednesdays helping out in room 12 were truly the most perfect way for me spend my day. As others sat in offices and shops doing things they didn't really enjoyed ,I had the privilege of making friends with loads of little girls who I wont forget. Even sitting filing their worksheets into folders was fun because I could hear them singing songs and saying off the alphabet over and over until they got it right. Im going to miss everything especially listening to the "days of the week" song every morning at half 9 after the role is called.

To say thanks to the class I wrote a card to Mrs.brady and bought her chocolates but I couldn't leave the kids unnoticed. They really made the whole thing worth while so I gave the teacher a of jelly's and they all got a few before they went home. I expected nothing more than a thank you but I too was given chocolates and a card. Yes im so thankful for this but what made it amazing was it was signed by all 24 girls and after they sang a song that they told me they had been learning for a week to surprise me. It really was an amazing experience and I never thought I would of enjoyed it quite as much.

On the 24th of September I walked into room 12 empty handed and scared to find out what would happen but on the 3rd of December I walked out of room 12 for the last time with a card and chocolates in my hand, a smile on my face and a tone of memories in my head. It was only ten weeks but it feels like a life time.

Im just a teenage girl who hates the thought of growing up but im doing it with a smile on my face and a positive attitude. I hoped you liked looking at the art I did with the girls and enjoyed reading about what I thought of work experience in the primary school. - Miss.Galligan x

Monday 1 December 2014

Fashion Show!

On Tuesday the 25th and Wednesday the 26th the school had organised a fashion show down at Celbridge manor. There were 100 models, 40 were juniors and 60 were seniors. Everyone who wished to be a model put their names forward and a raffle was done. Once we knew who the models we got into groups of four or six and got a shop assigned to us. The shop I modeled was United colours of Benetton. We found out shop on Monday the 17th and on Tuesday the 18th we went to liffey valley shopping. (read more about that week here

Some of the TY Models
Night one - I arrived at the hotel at about 6 and set up the display for mini company because we were selling our product both nights. Once the table was set up I sat around talking and waiting to be called  to get changed. Finally it came to the time for me to model. i went back stage and attempted to get changed in such a small space within seconds because i had to help look for somebody who was modeling in my group but it turned out she was already behind stage. Right before I went on I was told I was walking the ramp with McMahon child. Before I knew it I was off the ramp and changing from heels to uggs and from the dress to my leggings and top. The first night was scary and to be honest i really didn't want to because i was scared i would fall or something but surprisingly i didn't. 

Night two - on the second night i arrived at the hotel at about half 6 because we realized we had too much spare time because we set up quicker then expected. Once the table was set up i helped Jane curl here hair and then talked to her while she did her makeup. The second night was much calmer behind stage because there wasn't loads of people and we were given enough time to get ready. I wasn't as sacred as the first night but I was a bit but I preferred the second night because I knew what I was doing

Overall I really enjoyed doing the fashion show and I was very pleased with the sales we made with our mini company.
Mini-Company Stand
I'm just a teenage girl who hates the thought of growing but im doing it with a smile on my face and a positive attitude. Hope you liked reading about the fashion show. - Miss.Galligan x