Wednesday 14 January 2015

After school i'll go to ...

Is it possible to want to be out of school already but at the same time never want to leave? Well it must be because that’s how I feel 24/7. I haven’t any idea about what I want to do when I leave school so I want to stay until I know but at the same time I think if I just get out already maybe everything will just fall into place and I’ll know. I just hate constantly have to worry about the future all I know is when im done school im going to get on a plane and live the life I want. Im going to New York, I don’t know if it will be 10 days after I finish or 10 years but I want to go someday!
You might want to know while you read this that I’ve always wanted one of them fake, perfect, movielike life’s so while you read this bear in mind I know something’s that I say I want do are in movie and are so stage it will be impossible but sure what’s life without a crazy dream that is so far from reality.
When I leave school im going the place that is always busy, I will visit the all shops that people should call their second homes because they are always there, I even want to have perfect white fairy tale Christmas that I dreamed of when I was ten (reality check! so not going to happen) . It may sound mad but on the packed streets I want to run a block or two just for a taxi and then miss it so I have to rush to a meeting, I want it to be so like in the movies when people run for a meeting with some coffee in one hand and their phone in the other while they laugh at the thought of being late for a super important meeting and then arrive late but still get the job and have an amazing lifestyle that anybody would kill for!
I want to go to the tourist attractions day after day and never fail at being confused looking at the lights in times square at night, be stressed by the amount of people in times square during the day, be amazed by the height of the empire state building, feel smart because I know why the statue of liberty is green and not brown anymore and most of all I want to be stunned by the beauty of central park every day!


 Im just a teenage girl who hates the thought of growing up but im doing it with a smile on my face and a positive attitude. I hope you liked reading about how I when I leave school someday I want to visit New York! – Miss.Galligan! x

Monday 5 January 2015

Blog Challenge

As part of our blog challenge in December we were asked make avatars on voki and

Using this website i made this avatar ! Click the link below to view. I just made a new Voki. See it here: I made mine a Koala but there are many other animals to choose from, you can also use people and mythical creatures. 

Using the this website i made this avatar!

Im just a teenage girl who hates the thought of growing up but im doing it with a smile on my face and a positive attitude. I hoped you liked looking at the two avatars i made as part of my ty blog challenges. - Miss.Galligan x